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Elite-Si Booster MONOSILICIC 250ml

Aqueous Potassium Silicate


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The brand new Organic Bioavailable Silicon for all plants and all settings

Our MONOSILICIC is made from natural sand, and rich-content stabilized Mono-silicic acid (MSA) for Organic Use. You only need a few drops in a week that make you feel the power of Si. MONOSILICIC is a new liquid bio-available silica(Aqueous Potassium Silicate) for all plants and all settings.


What is Mono-silicic Acid?

Monosilicic acid (MSA), a form of the element silicon, has garnered attention in the world of plant cultivation due to its remarkable effects. Let’s delve into its benefits and explore how it can enhance your growing experience:
     1. Strengthening Cell Walls:
          o Silicon plays a crucial role in reinforcing cell walls. By doing so, it enables faster growth and better control over
             water loss by supporting stomata for more effective closure.
          o Additionally, silicon increases root mass, indirectly enhancing nutrient uptake.
          o These systemic benefits lead to larger leaf size, improved growth rate, higher Brix content, and increased yield.
     2. Protection Against Pests and Pathogens:
          o When silicon is deposited within or between cell walls (known as "phytoliths" or "plant opals"), it serves as more than just scaffolding.
          o Silicates, including nano-silicates and stabilized MSA, create a gel-like structure that physically repels
             penetration by mold spores and wears down the mouthparts of insect predators.
          o This direct protection against predation and fungal attack contributes to healthier plants.
     3. Not all silicon products are equal. Let’s explore some common types:
          o Silicates: These include industrial compounds like calcium and potassium silicate, as well as organic sources like
             rice hulls. However, silicates require time for transformation by microorganisms into active mono-silicic acid.
          o Mono-Silicic Acid (MSA): MSA is a more cost-friendly option. Unlike potassium silicate, it doesn’t break down
             easily during flowering. If you want the benefits of silica without excessive nitrogen uptake, MSA is a valuable choice.
Incorporating mono-silicic acid into your fertilizer mix can lead to impressive results, including improved plant health, pest resistance, and overall growth. Remember, while bananas may not be the ideal unit of measurement for MSA, the impact it has on your plants is anything but fruitless! 


Feel the power of MONOSILICIC

               *  Promote crop nutrient absorption and utilization to improve crop quality

               *  Promote the absorption of minor elements

               *  Have stronger and thicker branches to resist lodging

               *  Neutralize soil heavy metals and Restore soil fertility

               *  Are much less vulnerable to attacks by pests or fungi

               *  Improve the ability to resist drought, hot/cold temperatures, and stresses

               *  Give a higher yield


Usage and Dosage:

1. This product is very strong, MUST BE DILUTED before USE and adjusted appropriately according to the crop type and growth status.

2. It can be mixed in a small amount before using fertilizers or other materials if there is no precipitation.


Foliar Spray


          Crop Type

          Dilution Ratio


    Vegetable / Fruit / Flower

 1000 times (1 mL treats 1 Liter of water)

   once per 15-20 days

 Dicotyledon (Cannabis / Hemp)

 500-1000 times

   once per 7-10 days


Soil Irrigate


          Crop Type

          Dilution Ratio


          Normal crop

 300 times (3 mL treats 1 Liter of water)

   once per 7-10 days

     Vegetable / Fruit / Flower

 500-1000 times

   once per 15-20 days

 Dicotyledon (Cannabis / Hemp)

 500 times (2 mL treats 1 Liter of water)

   once per 7-10 days


 Safety Warning:

  1. This product is safe and non-toxic, but it is not drinkable.
  2. It is recommended to use a splash-proof mask, safety glasses, and rubber gloves when spraying. Try to avoid ingestion and contact with the eyes and skin.
  3. It is recommended to store in a dry, calm, and ventilated environment. Keep this product out of children's reach.


Please contact us for the price of larger packages.


Aqueous Potassium Silicate


MSDS (MSDS.pdf, 708 Kb) [Download]

Fact (KBPROMOTION.pdf, 55,662 Kb) [Download]